Sunday, May 16, 2021

Out of the yard!

 So finally! Got out of the yard last Friday. This time, everything worked as advertised. Engines ran, transmissions, well did transmission stuff. All the navigation gear worked! I'm just pumped! We didn't go to far, just down the South fork of New River, then down to the ICW. We got a berth at Las Olas Marina, a Fort Lauderdale city dock. Three blocks from the beach, Betty finally got her toes in the ocean and wandered about on the sand. I plugged the boat in as I have still not fixed the generator. And after a little tinkering, got the Air Conditioning to work! I am astonished.

We were going to leave this morning, however, while working on the boat I pulled a muscle in my back and that has been a misery for me. Stupidly enough I didn't hurt myself actually doing the heavy work, but trying to move the mattress to get to a tube of grease. So we took today off, and spent much of the morning planning our next few days for travel. We are ever so hopeful we can get to Titusville in the next 6 days and drop the boat for a few days. I really want to go home for a bit. While this has been an interesting time, I want to take a few weeks off, regather my attention and then gather my resources and either hire a delivery captain or finish dragging it up the coast myself.

We are going to have to drive the boat, rather than sail as the wind is just not going to cooperate, and we have a schedule we need to keep. And sailboats and schedules are just not a real thing. 

So short entry this time, but more once we actually get moving.