Monday, August 9, 2010

On hold

As I stated in my last posting there ain't gonna be no boat this year.  But we are making some positive steps in that general direction, well maybe.  The DC area is pretty hostile to live aboards so we are knuckling under and buying a house.  Maybe hostile is to strong of a word, it is more along the lines of complete apathy actually.  As I mentioned before it is only allowed in possibly two marinas, one of which is a private club and the other one has a waiting list as long as my wished for 65.

We are in Baltimore for a few days this week.  Went to the prospective house yesterday afternoon to codify the list of things we need to do.  We are taking a special construction loan on top of the house loan so we can spruce it up and possibly get some equity built quickly.  Then in 5 to 10 years maybe we can sell it and go buy the boat we really want.  Of course I will be to old and decrepit to actually sail it anywhere, but Betty can enjoy sitting in the cockpit and spinning the wheel.

I guess this is going to morph into a "guy fixes his house while thumbing through the sail boat listings and bemoaning the lack of a boat" blog.  Thrills.  

Till we meet again...

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