Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Books and other ramblings

We have our cabinets for the kitchen now.  They are stacked semi neatly in the dining room.  Part of one of the false walls that enclose the kitchen has been taken down and only the header is still kind of attached to the wall to keep the other false wall made out of the old cabinets from falling completely over and killing us.  We started this project about six months ago simply so I could rebuild the kitchen.  Got new hard wood floors, new carpet and pad in the bedrooms, a new electrical panel, and while getting a new roof we also got rid of a number of mold colonies that had taken up residence in our attic space, damn illegals.  Also added 14" of new blown in attic insulation, bought a hot tub as well as creating a deck to put it on.  Now the thing I wanted from the start, a new kitchen.  Along the way I have found I am a lousy manual laborer.  If I was being paid piece work on this particular job I would have starved to death long ago.  Anyway we stowed a number of items from the pantry that I moved last year when we ripped it out of it's normal place in order to put our new fridge in place.  And yes ripped is the correct word.  After partially rebuilding it I moved it across the kitchen and gingerly settled it next to a wall hoping it wouldn't return to kit form in a spectacular explosion of frosted mini-wheats and rice grains.  Anyway I am hard at work taking up the old tile squares, well actually I am waiting for my battery to recharge for my battery run tool of maximum destruction.  As soon as I finish this little piece of procrastination I will rig out my other tool of maximum destruction, the one that you plug into the wall.  I was hoping Betty had forgotten I owned this tool, as a dead battery is always a great excuse for some down time with my favorite time suck, Zuma.  If you have never played this game all I can tell is just don't, for the sake of your marriage just ignore that link on Facebook completely.  Anyway I digress as I usually do.

Books I have read lately that I recommend.


I read "Chasing the Horizon" yesterday.  This guy grabs you pretty quickly and keeps you engrossed.  I read "Red Sea..." this morning and was not disappointed.  In conjunction with "Bumfuzzle..." I have decided that I don't plan on ever trying to sail a boat through the Suez Canal at any time in the future.  At least until I win the lottery and can afford to be completely and constantly ripped off by the government and everyone else there.


A good yarn particularly as it deals with supposed Navy types well into the future.  And a pretty bleak picture as well.  But the story it told was engaging and I enjoyed it, well up until the last 50 pages or so.  Evidently the book wasn't quite long enough so he had to add some extra weirdness just to get the page count higher.

Ok enough procrastinating.  Back to chipping the deck.

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