Friday, August 22, 2014

OMG!! We bought a boat!!!!

So we got the dreaded email from the broker today.

I quote: "Congratulations you bought a boat. I will. Call you tomarrow to give you details .thanks Arne" yeah tomorrow is spelled incorrectly, but really I don't care!!!!

This is both the coolest thing ever and fricking terrifying. My initial reaction is jumping up and down screaming, which is rather amusing seeing as I am who I am, Mr. Doom and Gloom himself. You could call me Eyore. There is so much to do! And the firstest thing is getting Betty on the boat. She wasn't able to come with me to check it out, so I did a FaceTime walk through with her after I determined it wasn't a total pile of crap. We have been looking for so long that the culmination of this phase is very hard to believe! I have spent the last couple of days doing research and making lists. 

Really that is all for now, I'm going to get stupid drunk and eat pizza. More when the news soaks in and the terror slides into steely determination. 

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