Thursday, March 26, 2015

Winter almost over

So it's getting all spring like around here, which really only means that it's gray and drippy rather more than blue and shiny.  Still plenty cold, not yet time to dewinterize Amadeus. I have two tasks to complete for April, get the motor running and paint the bottom. Until we have overnight temps above freezing no engine work, and no painting till same temps are in the 50s. Then she needs to go in the water, which is already paid for thankfully. I have 1/2 the overhead torn out already, and will strip the rest out on next visit. The electrical work will take a couple weeks as I track down corroded wires and replace the interior lighting with LEDs. Already have a stock of lamps to go in place, but with no power to any but the single fluorescent in the salon, need to figure out the wiring first. Also want to run a few extra wires to accommodate some fans in all the areas. Amadeus has two overhead hatches and two opening ports located on the aft bulkhead of the salon. So fans are going to be a nessecity. No dorade type ports either, which I find annoying.

I did tear apart the aft cabin and OMG!! I found a life raft tucked in there. Thank you P.O. I thought you had sold it. My current conundrum is how to mount the forward Bimini, and raise the sails, and the anchor, and tie it up to a dock, or mooring ball, or start the engine, so loads of fun stuff in my immediate future.

I worked for a couple months this winter, it was exhausting and frustrating to the extreme. But brought in enough to fix the transmission in the car and still have a few boat bucks left over. While I love my Jetta, it can be a very expensive thing to fix. Thankfully it hasn't required very much of that.

Sailing school should start pretty soon, so I'll be doing that as well.

I should be updating thing here a little more frequently as I actually start doing more stuff. Expect more pictures as I dig around and find more junk as well as fix some other junk.


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