Monday, September 14, 2020

Buying a boat during a pandemic...

 So our bid was accepted by the current owner. Which is quite amazing in and of itself. The boat is down in St. Augustine, FL so it is like working with long handled tongs. But just convincing the current owner to sell me his baby is just step one of many steps to getting the boat up here. I'm currently polling my friends to see who is interested in helping drive it up here. It's some 800 miles, or more I haven't laid out the full track yet. 

So boat inspection is the next step. I will be there as a fly on the wall for the inspection. Need to inventory all the various cabinets and see what's on the boat and what will need to be sent down. Bedding, vacuum, pots, pans, coffee maker, charts, and a billion other things I am not thinking about right now.

Had a virtual walk through the other weekend, it looks very nice, doesn't look like it leaks, except for a bucket in the middle of the salon table(??). 

Anyway next is to rent a car and drive down there. I am still hoping to live through this winter so am working to minimize exposure. 

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