Friday, June 11, 2010

More Sailing!

More thanks and kudos go to Captain Jeff!  He invited us to a complete weekend of sailing!  As I mentioned previously he has a Pearson 424 stashed away and he has kindly invited Betty and I aboard for the weekend with a few of his friends and son.  Betty is tickled pink and frankly so am I.  Not sure where we are headed to, Capt. Jeff indicated some island Betty couldn't remember but even if we really go nowhere we will still be introduced to a couple more new things.  Anchoring, docking, navigation, what it is like to live aboard, things like that.  Woohoo even!

I did some more boat searching last night and found a couple of pretty nice sub 100K boats.  All these boat names are click-able links and I have visited each of them.  An interesting looking Gulfstar, a 424 Morgan, except it is in Panama, not a real great location for me.  A Downeast Ketch, a pretty nice Mayflower 48.

Anyway I could keep posting links till I run out of space on my page.  But then there was this girl.  She is a Pearson 424, 1981 down in New Orleans currently.  So yeah she was in the water when Katrina came ashore.  They say she rode it out and ended the storm still floating.  I am leery of this sort of thing I have to tell you.  It is 2010 after all, if she was in such great shape why is she still for sale 5 years later?  Nothing above deck works, the through hulls would all need to be replaced.  And of course all the cushions and what not would need to be replaced.  I am way more concerned with standing rigging and masts as well as hull integrity.  Wonder what has landed in the tanks.  The survey says she has some issues with her electrical.  So basically I am thinking this would be buying a hull and everything would need to be replaced.  That can run to a bunch I know that!  And frankly for the cash they are asking I could buy this Morgan Classic.  And it would require a great deal less work!  So what offer 10K for the wreck?

Anyway it just goes to show that yes you can spend till you can't spend anymore on a boat, and of course the more you spend the more you get.  But there are a ton of boats out there and the worse the economy gets the more become available.  Is the economy improving?  Not for me it isn't.  Has it improved for you?  There are some pretty nice boats available in the San Diego area as well, but really I can't see spending an additional 5K or more on shipping.  That 5K could really buy some nice stainless steel rigging, or a new toy for the nav. station.

And on a side note, if you are going to include pictures of your boat on the sales page, and you should, the more the merrier, make sure they are in focus ok?  If you are listing the giant aft owners cabin as a high level selling point, then maybe you should include a few pictures of it don't you think?  Yes thank you for the pictures of the heads, it is always nice to see they are not swimming in filth, but if you are only going to post 10 pictures, I could totally skip the 2 heads and show the other more interesting parts of the boat.

See you on the other side!

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