Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Which way to Tahiti?

Evidently you can get there from here, just takes a while.  

Getting out of a large town on a Friday night when you most want to be somewhere else is the same no matter what town you happen to be leaving.  Getting out of Baltimore requires a bridge, Denver's requirement is I70.  Traffic, cars, plenty of people, and just where did they all come from and can't they get out of my way?

Four some hours later we pulled into our hosts lawn outside Chance MD.  Good thing that was where he parked his cars as well.  Jeff and Margarette were kind enough to offer us the use of their efficiency while we were in town as the nearest hotel is back at the cross roads I think.  A room, a nice steak dinner with salad from  the garden and that made for quite a nice evening.  We sat around and drank and chatted till it was quite past time to get some sleep.  

The next morning we imbibed a bit of coffee and made plans for the day.  The wind was still up a bit for us beginners so we wandered around looking at Jeff's boats and getting a bit of a lesson about lines, sheets, and sailing in general. After a while the wind calmed enough that we could embark.  After a bit of a fuss getting away from dock we sailed out of Scotts Cove.  It was interesting to say the least.  Of course we didn't bring our camera, yeah we always forget the camera.  But then again there wasn't anything to really take pictures of, well except for my giant grin as I found out that steering a sailboat certainly isn't like steering a car down the highway.  Not that I expected it to be mind you, but there are a great number of new things to think about.  The 21' Freedom Cat we were in is indeed quite nimble and could I am sure be pretty quick, under the proper hand.  But it was still a great time.  Betty and I shared helm duties, Jeff did Captain crap.  Mainly sitting downwind and regaling us with stories from the day.  Occasionally peering about, about his only comment on sailing was "Pointing a bit close to the wind."  He has quite a long and storied past.  His first sailboat was one he built himself back in the early 70's.  A 45' ferro concrete hull they built in his backyard.  He currently has a few sailboats, the 21' Cat Boat he took us out in, a smaller 12' (?) and then his baby a 424 Pierson.

So we really didn't go anywhere just out into the bay, dinked around out there till Betty got tired and we turned around and headed back.  Total time under sail?  I don't know, 5 minutes or 4 hours.  It went by pretty darn fast.  Turned it around and blew back to dock.  Had a great time.  Can't wait to go do it again.

Mighty thanks to Betty, a greater woman you will never meet, it is a great joy to have her in my life.  Thanks for the years love, here is to many more.  Best birthday ever!

It's not far down to paradise
At least it's not for me
And if the wind is right you can sail away
And find tranquility
The canvas can do miracles
Just you wait and see
Believe me

1 comment:

  1. And Betty didn't puke at all, nor take Dramamine...
