Saturday, November 2, 2013

Another weekend, another boat.

Morning faithful followers,
Up early today, received an email from the broker for the wreck, just a simple, follow up, "Did you decide to make an offer?"  Basically. And no we haven't decided. We are in no hurry to decide anything currently. No reason to, it will be years before we go anywhere but we are tossing the idea around. One of the things that makes this hull interesting is that once we purchase it, we own it out right, no payments or additional real debt incurred. There is a great deal of intangible debt however. Needs a new power system, and then electronics, and the list goes on. But on the other hand there is another one of Mr. Wittholz's designs for sale up Annapolis way, cool $500,000. A little longer, a bit older, and with a pilot house, but still, 1/2 a million. Makes having a working sailboat to sell loads more profitable than trying to get the junker out of your backyard.

Read an interesting book last night, Own less, Live more, first I thought it was interesting that I paid like $9.00 for a sailing book and this one didn't cover a lot detail, but he is a good story teller. He did surface some interesting points. One of the first things I grabbed onto it that they also purchased a wreck. A sank at the piers wreck. So before they could even work on it they had to raise it off the harbor bed. Now that is dedication. I liked another of his points, the answer to that age old question, "Which is the right cruising boat for me?". I am a firm believer that everything is a compromise and your boat is just a series of compromises. But the end point is, it's the boat you can afford. We are right in the middle of the middle class and can't afford a mega yacht. Can't afford much of a boat all, but we are determined to go do stuff, so will see where that takes us.

Anyway we are headed out for pancakes then to Norfolk to look at yet a different boat. I'm going because I am interested in the modifications the owner made to the boat. Betty is going because that is where the car is going and she would rather not stay home and do laundry. Will give you the run down later.

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